In Samoa, there are many plants and hardwood trees that produce delicious fruits in the Island. There is an abundance of Samoan rain forests that yield many edible plants. Fruits in Samoa include bananas, limes, and sugarcane. Of course, you’ll also find coconuts, papayas, taro, cassava, and more. Many fruits in Samoa do not require expensive crop sprays nor treatments. Here, we have a guide of all the fruits in Samoa! Check it out!

The Ultimate Guide to Samoan Fruit

Since tropical agriculture occupies 43% of Samoa, many Samoans grow food crops for both export and consumption among the population. Families in villages work together to grow fruits. 65% of the labor force in Samoa is growing agriculture. Here is the types of fruits you'll be able to find in Samoa:

Taro - AKA Talo

Taro is one of the oldest cultivated crops in the world. Samoans use taro for every day meals, feasts, banquets, you name it! Taro skin is a light-brown color, and the inside has a purple, white, or pink flesh. Once cooked, it’s more like a purple-grey. Cooked taro has a starch-like texture, similar to that of potatoes. One important thing to note is that taros should not be eaten raw. Cook it thoroughly! Make them into chips, bake them, or boil them. Boil some taro root with coconut cream, and you have a delicious snack! 

Banana - AKA Fa’i

These common fruits are a big export of Samoa; they are mostly shipped to New Zealand. They’re delicious dried and served with coconut oil! With an abundance of bananas, you can surely try them next time you are in Samoa! 

Yam - Soi

What’s the difference between yams and sweet potatoes, you may ask? Yams are starchy edible roots, which have a rough outer exterior. Yams are on the less sweet side. They are roughly the size of small potatoes, while some can grow up to 5 feet long and weigh 100lbs or more! Wow! The inside of yams can vary between white, yellow, purple, or even pink. Yams are nutritious and delicious. They have more fat, carbs, fiber, potassium, and vitamin C/B6/E than sweet potatoes. The more you know! 

Cassava - Kasio

This is a staple in Pacific island diets. It is believed to be introduced  to the Pacific in the 1800s. The flavor of cassava is nutty- and mostly grown in tropical climates of the world. Many people love eating cassava root to make tapioca. All in all, cassava can be eaten whole, grated, or grounded up to make assorted breads and crackers. Make sure that you cook your cassava before you eat it! Cassava is a high source of carbs, so it’s popular among the islands!

Breadfruit - Ulu

If you often travel to the islands, breadfruit is a popular fruit of choice. It is a species of flowering tree in the mulberry and jackfruit family. Breadfruit is popular as it is grown in over 90 countries through Southeast Asia, the Pacific Ocean, Africa, and the Caribbean. Breadfruit grown throughout time will have different tastes and textures based on its development. Most people love it for fried breadfruit, making it into flour, or cooking it in other dishes. One breadfruit tree can produce up to 450lbs each season. Delish!

Tahitian Lime - Tahitian Lemu 

A Tahitian lime tree can grow up to 20 ft, with thornless, widespread, and drooping branches. These limes taste good over some Samoan bananas. This is a popular export to New Zealand as well, and many of Samoan agriculture relies heavily on planting of these fruits. With the success of these fruits, they are mass produced and shipped out as a major export. 

Coconuts - Popo

Naturally, some of the best fruit in Samoa include the Dwarf Coconut Palm, aka, the Samoan coconut. What makes these trees unique is that they are on the shorter side, meaning, you don't have to climb too far to grab some coconuts.  Coconuts are the most prominent crop grown in Samoa. It provides food, it provides cash. You can harvest coconuts to create coconut oils, and every part of a coconut is used. Meat from the green nut can be eaten raw, grated, or cooked in dishes. Many people can eat out of a coconut, or use the shells as silverware. Overall, the coconut is the most useful and innovative crop in Samoa. 

Papayas - Esi

These tropical beauties taste sweet, look vibrant, and are considered a rare and exotic fruit. These fruits are considered native to Mexico, yet are widely grown in Samoa as well. Use it for a fruit salad, or cut it up and put some delicious lime squeezed on top. You won't regret how delicious it is! 

Mango - Mago

Go crazy for mangoes! They grow right in the Pacific and Asia. Think of them as your orange colored super fruit- comparable to blueberries or avocados. First, mangoes have an abundance of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Potassium. One cool trick to finding the best mango in the market is taking a big whiff of them. That’s right, those that smell more fragrant at the stem are said to taste sweeter. They are popular in fruit salads, drinks, poi, or eaten alone. My favorite way to eat a mango is cutting them in squares, still attached to the skin, and inverting the cubed slices so they stick outward. Easy and sweet! Other ways people eat mangoes are with a spoon, or peeled from the skin. Naturally, there is no wrong way to eat a mango - so you're good to go! 

Pineapple - Pineapu

Nothing will beat the taste of fresh cut pineapples! Also known as ananas comosus, this is a common tropical fruit. In Samoa, there is a recipe called paifala, which are pineapple custard stuffed dumplings, with a flaky and buttery crust. These Samoan half-moon pies are absolutely D E L I S H! Make them with crushed pineapples, sugar, milk, flour, butter, and coconut milk. Back to fresh pineapples though, they’re perfect cut up, juiced up, or mixed in a salad along with all the tropical fruits of Samoa. Give them a try and you’ll taste how sweet they are! Pineapples are also amazing when frozen or make into a slush daiquiri or pina colada. There is truly nothing that says paradise more than a pineapple! Grab some when you're at the markets, whether you are in Apia on Upolu or Salelogo on Savai'i. 

Passion Fruit - Naunau fua

When it comes to island fruit, passion fruits are definitely on the list in Samoa. They are a nutritious and delicious tropical fruit with many health benefits. Imagine - lots of antioxidants, vitamins, and plant compounds, all here for your health! You’ll be able to spot a passion fruit from miles away: think a tough outer skin rind, with a juicy center. There are purple and yellow varieties, along with other uncommon types of passion fruits. You’ll get lots of fiber with passion fruit, which can lead to lowering illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes. Squeeze some in juice, top off cakes, or mix them in salads. Be sure to pick some up on your next visit to Samoa.

Here's a quick recipe for making Orange Passion Fruit - Ade

- 1 Cup Passion Fruit Juice, cold
- 1/2 Cup Orange Juice, cold
- 1/4 Cup Lime Juice, cold
- 2 Cups Soda Water
- Simple Syrup, to taste
- Ice Cubes
- 5 Orange Slices or Lime Slices (garnish)

Mix fruit juices together and add simple syrup to taste. Make as sweet as you'd like, depending how tart your passion fruit is. Then, add your water water and serve over ice. Garnish with your orange or lime slice. Viola! Ready to drink! So refreshing, trust us, you'll love it.

As you can see, there are so many fruits that grow in Samoa. You know you'll be getting the best quality fruit around. It's used for feasts, gatherings, and can be found in the markets. One fruit a day will keep happiness at bay! Give all these fruits a try and you'll know what we mean. They provide the right amount of sweetness and complement any meal you have. So, dig in and take a bite of many! 


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