I had to skip ahead in the cookbook because I couldn't find some of the ingredients!
Today I made Recipes #8 and #10 in Anthony’s Bourdain’s Appetites Cookbook. These were his Potato Salad and Chicken Salad. So far, everything in his cookbook has been stellar and I’ve been eating so well.
The two recipes today were pretty easy, namely because I didn’t make the mayonnaise from scratch is recommended. I am definitely planning on doing so, but I omitted the “dry mustard” from my shopping excursion today and apparently it’s an essential ingredient in mayonnaise.
I didn’t want to fuck around or try substituting anything in my first time making mayo. I finished reading “Julie and Julia” tonight. Julie, in the book, failed at making mayo quite a few times in the book so I am definitely intimidated as I just failed at trying to make hollandaise the other day. (I got impatient and the eggs scrambled!)
It’s roughly about 30 days into quarantine and I can definitely feel the weight gain. I have given myself a free license to eat absolutely anything that I want during “shelter at home”. This includes a mini can of sprite a day, Oreos, chips, gummy bears, milkshakes. All foods that I would only regularly eat “once in a while” are now being eaten daily.
I am not exercising all well.
I’m not going to feel guilty about any of it.
My plan after quarantine is to do my #1 foolproof and not so healthy diet plan, which is to fast for 4-5 days. It works like a charm and the effects definitely last me a minimum of 6 months.
I just started exercising this year and I am looking forward to getting back into going to Platefit, located just a couple of blocks away. I hate cardio and I hate sweating but I can handle it for 28 minutes of a workout at a time.
In reading Julie and Julia, I was reminded that once I had a pet snake. In the book, Julie also had a pet snake and she would feed it by stunning it by flinging it against the ground, before putting it into the cage with the snake.
I tried to think back to what I used to feed my snake, he was a cute black and white striped little guy, very stylish. Apparently I have NO RECOLLECTION of ever feeding it which is insane?? Wouldn’t I remember if I fed it live crickets or mice?! I was doing a ton of blow during that time, so that is probably the reason for my lapse in memory.
Anyways, I also used to have a cat, who would love to get into the snake’s cage and remove the cover of his tank. Often the snake would be wandering around the house and would slither by when my friends were in the living room watching tv. HILARIOUS!
I haven’t been pitching and writing to outside publications at the moment as travel publications are not commissioning travel stories but I am working on one piece. I have been trying to craft my descriptions better and I thought that I totally came up with some gems! See below:
George Costanza, who radiates defeat like a cracked and fallen Humpty Dumpty.
It’s as if we have become superfluous dandelion seeds, suddenly blown into the air by a mercurial higher power, with no idea where we will land.
But I guess they weren’t as great as I thought because my editor cut them out. WAH!
Also, I’m a terrible guesser, I actually counted out all the recipes in Appetites today and there are 112 recipes total, not 50 as I previously guessed. Excited to get into some of the more difficult recipes! We’ve finished the egg and are getting through the salad sections. Now on to soup!